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Welcome To

The Breast Center of Naples


If you are 40 or older, we do not require a doctor’s order for your screening mammogram.

If you are 40 or older, we do not require a
doctor's order for your screening mammogram.

We as the Breast Center of Naples exist to provide world-class, compassionate, patient-centered breast care to the women of Southwest Florida.   This care is provided respectfully and privately in the unique setting of the area’s premier dedicated breast imaging center.

SmartCurve™ System

The SmartCurve system provides a curved compression surface that offers a more comfortable patient experience without compromising image quality, exam time, dose or workflow.1  Clinically proven to deliver a more comfortable mammogram, the SmartCurve system improves comfort in 93% of patients who reported moderate to severe discomfort with standard compression.1 Additionally, 95% of patients surveyed would recommend facilities that use a SmartCurve system.1

Home 1
Home 2

We offer the area's most comfortable mammogram

3555 Kraft Rd Suite 350 Naples, FL 34105
Phone: (239) 238-1210
Fax: (239) 238-1212

Monday-Thursday 7:30-4:30
Friday 7:30-1:00

Screening Services

Screening Mammography

The purpose of screening mammography is to find breast cancer at a very early stage.

Screening Whole Breast Ultrasound

The purpose of screening breast ultrasound (SBU) is to help detect small, early stage, breast cancer in women with dense breast tissue.


A bone density test (DEXA) is a fast screening X-ray procedure to measure bone loss.

Diagnostic Services

Diagnostic Mammography

This exam is performed for patients who present with a breast symptom/problem or have an abnormality detected on their screening mammogram.

Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound

A certified technologist will scan the targeted area or areas of concern in the breasts using a hand-held probe and save images for the radiologist to review.

Frequently Asked Questions

What patients are offered screening ultrasound?

Women who are categorized on their mammogram as Category C (Heterogeneously Dense Breast Tissue) or Category D (Extremely Dense Breast Tissue) will be offered screening breast ultrasound in addition to their screening mammogram. This is not a substitute for a screening mammogram, but a supplement to help in the detection of breast cancer.

What is the difference between a screening and a diagnostic exam?

A screening mammogram (and screening ultrasound if applicable) are performed when there are no breast symptoms/problems. Diagnostic exams are performed if a woman is recalled for additional imaging for an abnormality on her screening mammogram or if she has breast symptoms/problems.   Diagnostic examinations are also performed if a man presents with a breast symptom/problem.

How should I prepare for my yearly screening mammogram?

On the day of your screening mammogram do not use deodorant, powder or lotions. These substances can mimic the appearance of cancer and require the study to be repeated. You should wear a 2-piece outfit so you will only need to remove your top. Our technician will give you a robe to wear. If you have tender breasts, it may be helpful to schedule one week after your menstrual period.

At what age do I stop having screening mammograms?

Yearly screening mammograms may continue as long as you are healthy. There is no specific age at which to stop having screening mammograms.

What if I don’t have medical insurance?

Breast Center of Naples offers competitive cash pay pricing options.

Is my yearly screening mammogram covered by insurance, Medicare?

Most insurance companies, including Medicare, will pay for a yearly screening mammogram for women over 40 years of age as part of the insured individual’s wellness program.

How long does it take to perform my yearly screening mammogram?

From check- in to check-out, the process takes approximately 15-30 minutes.

Do I need an order from my doctor or nurse practitioner to schedule my yearly screening mammogram.

You do not need an order to schedule your yearly screening mammogram.  In the state of Florida, women age 40 or older can schedule their annual screening mammogram without an order.

When should I begin having screening mammograms?

The American College of Radiology recommends women begin having annual screening mammograms at age 40. Some women who are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer due to such things as a family history of breast cancer, may need to begin sooner than age 40.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! You can reach us via the contact form or via email at [email protected]

Our practice is happily situated in Naples, Florida. Get in touch today!