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The Kraft Center

3555 Kraft Rd Suite 350 Naples, FL 34105

Phone: (239)-238-1210

Fax: (239)-238-1212

Monday-Thursday 7:30-4:30
Friday 7:30-2:00


6000 SQ. FT

This will be an experience for women unlike any other in the area, with only specialty-trained radiologists and technologists. All of the care will be delivered in a private, boutique setting which no other hospital or radiology group currently offers.

One Stop Shop

We have the unique approach of taking the burden ofthe referring doctors’ shoulders and helping alleviate patient anxiety by handling every single step of the breast imaging process from the initial imaging, workup, biopsy, diagnosis, and surgical referrals. We will also offer the area’s only true screening ultrasound program for dense breast tissue.